A Rainbow of Difference

Download the Mosaic app.

 Call 1800 864 846

Mosaic is an award winning App designed to empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people to better plan and manage their own care, to support them to be active participants in decisions around aged care services they receive, and to improve overall health outcomes. Containing resources for LGBTI people, their partners, families of choice, aged care workers, and aged care service providers, the app is designed so that everyone can make informed choices and build safe and inclusive practice.

Greater choice and better care to support and build safe and inclusive practices for LGBTI communities is now available through a series of learning tools and online resources developed by The Rainbow of Difference project.

A partnership between Uniting and University of Technology Sydney (UTS), the project aims to meet the diverse needs of older LGBTI people, their families, support organisations and care teams with the knowledge and confidence to grow inclusive and culturally appropriate care services.

"This project has involved substantial community consultation and research and builds on Uniting’s commitment to create culturally safe and inclusive services for older LGBTIQ Australians." Lana Richards - Uniting Executive Manager (Ageing) Practice Excellence.

These are highly adaptable learning and planning tools can be used anytime and anywhere, whether you are wanting to better plan your ageing and engage families of choice or equip care teams and aged care organisations with the tools to support and build safe and inclusive practices.

Subscribe to Altura Learning.

The Altura learning video series features people sharing real stories about their lives and concerns about aged care. The series also explores the complexity of the needs of LGBTI people in the context of dementia, as well as the importance of respecting a person’s wishes during their end stage of life. 

Aged Care service providers can subscribe to the Rainbow of Difference learning courses below. Three modules are available:

  • LGBTI Ageing
  • LGBTI People and Dementia
  • LGBTI People and End of Life Care

 Call 1800 864 846

Go to Altura LearningAndroidiOS

Providers can profile their services, receive guidance and access to tools to build safe and inclusive services.

Send us an email at rainbowofdifference@uniting.org for more info.

Are you a provider wanting to register with Mosaic?